What is The Difference Between Waxing Moon and Waning Moon Phases
What is Waxming Moon and Waning Moon Phase Waxing and waning moon phases are important to learn the moon cycle. The waxing suggests growing moon until it reaches the full shape. Waning is right the opposite of waxing as it suggests decreasing of the moon after full moon phase. We soon moon growing day by day until it achieves its fully illuminated shape. Similarly, it diminishes after full moon until it disappears completely. Also, learn when is the first day of fall 2021 . Hence, the crescent shape of the moon before the full moon is called waxing crescent. The moon before the full moon is waxing gibbous. When we see moon in half or semi circle shape from earth, it is called quarter moon. The semi circle shape before full shape s the first quarter and the last quarter happens before the new moon. What is Waning Crescent Moon Phases The waning means diminishing or reducing form. The waning crescent happens when the moon is about to reach new moon. It is the phase that is less tha...