Full Moon April 2021 Date Time EST in Canada USA

Schedule of Full Moon Date in April 2021

Full moons are monthly festivals for our planet. Many rituals, traditions, and celebrations are related to the appearance of the brightest moon phase. As the full moon occurring in the month of April is known as pink moon. This year, the full moon April 2021 will occur on 26th April 2021 at 11.34 EST. As per UTC, it happens on 27th April 2021, 3.30 AM. You can convert UTC time to your local time zones to know the time of moon rise in your location. Also know what is fall equinox 2021.

full moon april 2021

Every full moon is given unique names that are characteristic of the season or natural phenomenon happening at that time. These names are mostly regional and hence may differ in different regions. The full moon of April is known as Pink moon or Rose moon or Egg moon as well as Paschal moon. The name pink moon is attributed to the full moon of April due to the appearance of pink coloured flowers that appear in spring season. These flowers are common in North America. This full moon is also known as fish moon or sprouting grass moon.

Pink Moon 2021: Date and Time

This year, pink moon is the second full moon of spring season. The reason is that they are appearing mostly towards the end of every month. After the spring equinox, the first full moon already happened on 27th March 2021. Hence, Easter date is on 4th April; the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring season.

The dates of many festivals and celebrations are connected to the first days of the seasons and the first full moons of the seasons. Our blog will bring interesting information related to the equinoxes and solstices that happen during the year. Every year has two equinoxes; fall equinox and spring equinox and two solstices; summer solstice and winter solstice.

We are an independent blog providing full moon dates and new moon dates. We do not promote any myths and superstitions related to the full moons and new moons. They are significant celestial phenomenon and important from cultural and astronomical point of view. Keep following us to know when is full moon May 2021.  



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